Ahnlab Ci

broken image

  • Distribution Method : Unknown
  • MD5 : 94ec34f9ca41fe94e800cd8cb8ab6a39

The Windows Defender antivirus software built into Windows 10 is very good, but while it certainly holds its own against other free rivals, it still can't quite match the features of the best paid. By AhnLab Protects against security threats such as virus, worm, trojan horse, and spyware with the integrated engine. Promises optimized operating system by clearing unused data and controlling.

Ahnlab Customer Service

  • Major Detection Name :Trojan/Win32.Ruftar (AhnLab), TrojanSpy:Win32/Usteal.D (Microsoft)
  • Encrypted File Pattern : .EnCiPhErEd
Ahnlab Ci
  • Malicious File Creation Location :

- C:Users%UserName%AppDataLocalTempkod.exe
- C:Users%UserName%AppDataLocalTempZh8yO5IGMxXepAi.exe

Ahn Lab Sites

  • Payment Instruction File : ÊÀÊ ÐÀÑØÈÔÐÎÂÀÒÜ ÔÀÉËÛ.txt
  • Major Characteristics : 오프라인 암호화(Offline Encryption)


  • Reference :https://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/00002347.html

broken image